Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The True Story of Litter Boxes

When you start out sitting for animals you learn things. The first thing I learned was that Ms. Tig & Dara liked to play with thier humans. I was with the cats one day and I thought you had to clean the litter box every time the cat used it. Well Dara used it and I cleaned it. Then Ms. Tig who had torubles going to the bathroom decided to make her presence know there too. Again I cleaned it. Then not more than 10 minutes later Dara revisited it and again I cleaned it.
Well this went on for a little and I thought something was wrong.

I called my mother who then informed me that I only clean the littler box Once a day. I repeat once a day the the box needs to be cleaned.

Well the cats had thier fun with me . I consider it a right of passage. But that was not the final anitic of my first day. NO WAY ! At 4:am I flet something on the bed and ignored it. Well Ms. Tig would not be ignored dan. and then I felt another thump and the I had wet all over my face.

Dara had decided that I would look better covered in cat snot . Well thus my first night with the kittens was completed. I learned two things that day, one clean the litter box once a day and the other wipe the cat's nose before you go to sleep.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Meeting The Cats.

Well I guess I will start at the begining. My first job was for my dear friends Jackie & Steve and thier babies Tigger & Ms. Dara.

Let me say this when I met Steve and was invited to his home he clearly told me that Tigger does not come to people she does not know. Well As soon as I got in the house Dara a lilac point siamese cat came around the corner and true to form was aloof but as she had mommy and daddy near came up to me and snifed.

And as if to say "Ok he'll do." She gave me a little meyow and went on her way. I asked where Tigger was as I was most apprehensive about meeting her. Jackie told me she was under the table.

As I looked under the kitchen table there was this HUGE calico kitty cat bigger than Godzilla . I thought to myself" This cat will not like me."

Then as if to prove me wrong as we all went to sit in the living room to talk.A minute later out trounces the Gadzilla Cat herself . Ms. Tig as she was to be called came right over to me looked at me and promptly jumped up on the couch and claimed me as her own.

The shock on Jackie and Steve's and even my face was clearly seen. This was the world's most aloof cat. Jackie looked and Steve and said" I think we have a new catsitter."

Thats how it began and how the instant love of one little animal changed me.

The next blog will be all about the true stories of Litter Boxes, 4:00 am wakeup calls and cat snot.

MS. Tig

Ms. Dara

This Is Who I Am

Well first and foremost welcome to my blog. My name is Mark and I am a petsitter. I find this profession very rewarding and fun. I will use this fourm to give you all updates and current petsitting trends & if you need to use me contact infromation.

I have been petsitting for 7 years now and I love it and the animal friends I have made. I first started sitting for my friends cats. I had a true blast and the whole thing changed me for good.

I also because of this have been passed around to their friends. I have suddenly found my niche in life. I give the owners a chance to go away with the comfort that thier animals are cared for and that the house will be occupied in thier absence.

I also threw some light house cleaning as well so the owners came home to a clean house and happy pets. I would like to reach out to Pet Owners who may need help with thier animals.

I do this for the love of it. Please comment here or shoot me an email at . I look forward to sharing my often funny and sometimes touching stories of just how these animals called pets change us forever.